Welcome you to our new website! And for those who do not know yet InstaZorb is a …
Le Produit
Instazorb - a safe absorbent
The users of absorbent products use whatever has been decided by the company’s buyers, without any knowledge of whether the absorbent can be harmful or not to their health.
Yes, silicosis has always existed, and it’s a consequence of crystalline silica. 80% of the market’s absorbents contain crystalline silica derived from diatomaceous earth (generally reddish sand). The latter, in a non transformed state, is a clay that contains no silica crystals, but when it’s burned-off at temperatures of up to 800 ºC, its structure changes to become crystalline.
When the users pour a certain amount on the ground, they breathe an infinitely fine powder that penetrates into their lungs and alveolae, clenching to the latter as hooks. Various exposures to this powders, will increase the risk of developing silicosis (a similar case to what happens with amiantus).
InstaZorb is silica but an amorphous and non-crystalline one… Therefore it is considered to be a normal powder similar to the one obtained, for example in a granary.
InstaZorb was created for these reasons. In the United States, diatom bags are marked with a danger of death sign (analogically equivalent to the one included in France on cigarette packages), warning the user of the risk of SILICOSIS (due to the presence of crystalline silica) when using the product repetitively or extensively.
The sawdust derived from wood, even when it’s fire resistant, has the risk of burning … How is it possible?, you’ll say. Think about it… Yes, it’s fire resistant but… when a flame approaches, it won’t burn … But if it’s saturated with oil or hydrocarbons, what a barbecue !!!
InstaZorb is a rock that has its breaking point at 1600 ºC… in other words, below this temperature, there’ll be no risk of burning.
Besides, it absorbs very well, retaining most of the vapours…
That’s all; I wish you and all of your relatives, health and prosperity…